We are committed to complying with privacy and data protection laws and being transparent about how we process personal data.

This privacy policy relates to our use of any personal information we process about you.


We may collect your personal data in different ways, for example:

a)  When you, your tutor or coach communicate with us by post, telephone, SMS or email

b)  When you join as a member of British Riding Clubs

c)  As you interact with us in other ways; as a contractor, or in any other capacity 


We may collect your personal data in different ways, for example:

a)  Membership applications, administration and renewals

b)  Running events and camps

c)  Managing and responding to horse welfare issues

d)  Dealing with complaints and appeals

e)  Undertaking safeguarding activities

f)  Recording safety incidents and accidents

g)  Running competitions

We only collect personal information that we genuinely need. This may include:

a)  Contact details such as name address, email address and phone numbers

b)  Date of birth and gender

c)  Dietary requirements where this is required for catering

d)  Name and contact details of any next of kin (where you are attending an event and are riding/carriage driving)

e)  Nationality

Membership applications, administration and renewals:

We will use the information that you provide to us to process your membership application and renew your application if appropriate. We will email and/or post you information about events, courses and other items of interest, as part of your membership. You can opt out or unsubscribe from receiving this information if you wish. Our legal basis for using your personal information in this way is for the performance of a contract.

Running events and camps:

If you register for one of our events or camps, we will use your information provided to us to process your registration and enable you to attend the event or camp. This will include sharing some of your information with our volunteers that run the event or camps. It may also include collecting and sharing medical information with them if you choose to provide that to us. Our legal basis for using your personal information in this way is for the performance of a contract.

If you choose to provide us with your dietary requirements, we may share them with third parties that we use to provide catering at our events.

Managing and responding to horse welfare issues:

We will record and use relevant personal information provided to us relating to potential horse welfare issues and concerns. Where necessary, we will share relevant personal information with other organisations, such as the RSPCA and the police. Our legal basis for using information for this purpose is that processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller (Animal Welfare Act 2006 Section 12 - Regulations To Promote Welfare).

Dealing with complaints and appeals:

If a complaint or an appeal is raised with us, we will process the personal information that is provided to us to manage and resolve the complaint or appeal. This may include sharing relevant information with an affiliated organisation, such as The BEF or a riding club, a coach, welfare officer or other organisation, depending upon the nature of the complaint and the area it relates to. Our legal basis for using personal information for this purpose is to fulfil our legitimate interest and fulfil our objective of resolving complaints in a careful and appropriate manner.

Undertaking safeguarding activities:

When necessary, we process relevant personal information about members, volunteers, coaches or other individuals for safeguarding purposes.

We may also process personal data as part of safeguarding activities. This data may relate to the reporter of an allegation, the victim of an allegation or the alleged perpetrator. It may be necessary to share some personal information with relevant authorities such as the Police, The Safeguarding Advisory Board and an appropriate member of the respective Member Body – such as The BEF or a BRC Riding Club (as appropriate to the specific safeguarding activity). Data sharing will only be carried out where there is a reasonable belief that the transfer of any data could prevent further criminal activity.

The lawful basis for processing data for these safeguarding activities, in order to protect young people and vulnerable adults, is

• 6(1)(e) – Processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller

Special Category data is processed under article 9 (2) (g) of the GDPR – Processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest - and Parts 1-3 of Schedule 1 of the Data Protection Act 2018.

Recording safety incidents and accidents:

We record and retain relevant personal information about accidents, incidents and near misses that are reported to us. Our legal basis for this processing is to fulfil our legitimate interest and organisational objective to ensure every horse and rider is as safe as possible.

Running competitions:

If you choose to take part in a competition, we will use the personal information that you provide to administer the competition, inform the winners and carry out some publicity involving the winners. This may be on our website or on Social Media platforms.  Our legal basis for using personal information for this purpose is for our legitimate interest.


We use a number of different lawful basis in order to collect, hold and use personal data. These are outlined in the relevant sections above.

We may process personal information because it is necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party (or to take steps at your request prior to entering a contract). For example, we may process your personal data to issue or administer a membership:

We may collect and use your personal data if it is necessary for our legitimate interest and so long as its use is fair, balanced and does not unduly impact your rights.

Usually, we will only process sensitive personal data if we have your explicit consent. However, we may process special category data in order to carry out safeguarding activities to protect vulnerable adults. The lawful basis for this is article 9 (2) (g) of the GDPR and Schedule 1, Parts 1-3 of the Data Protection Act 2018.


We will only share your personal information where we are required to fulfil our contract with you, or legitimate interest, where we have your consent, there is substantial public interest or we are required to do so by law.

If necessary, we may also share your information with caterers, course providers and coaches.

Where required, we will process personal information to comply with our legal obligations. In this respect we may use your personal data to comply with subject access requests; for the prevention and detection of crime; and to assist the police and other competent authorities with investigations including criminal and safeguarding investigations.

In extreme situations, we may share your personal details with the emergency services if we believe it is in your ‘vital interests’ to do so. For example, if someone is hurt or taken ill during one of our events.

Very occasionally we may share personal data with the relevant authorities, such as the Police, The Safeguarding Advisory Board and an appropriate member of the respective Member Body – such as The BEF or a BRC Riding Club (as appropriate to the specific safeguarding activity). Data sharing will only be carried out where there is a reasonable belief that the transfer of any data could prevent further criminal activity.


Data regulations and legislation provide you with certain rights over the personal information we hold.

a)  You can request details of some or all of the personal information we hold about you. This is often referred to as a Subject Access request.

b)  Where you believe personal information is no longer required you can request that it is deleted. However, we may not be able to do so if we still have a legitimate basis for keeping it, such as to administer your membership.

c)  If you believe that personal information we hold about you is incorrect you can ask us to correct it.

d)  You can request a copy of personal information to be provided in a portable (electronic) format. We will endeavour to meet such requirements where the format is reasonable and in common use.

e)  Where you have provided consent to receive marketing communications you can withdraw your consent at any time.

In addition to these, you can ask us to restrict the use of your personal data if any of the above apply, but you do not wish us to delete it.

We aim to meet any requests promptly and as fully as possible. We may contact you to further understand your requirements in order to expedite your request.  In some cases, we may be prevented from completing requests for legal reasons or due to conflicting legitimate interests. If this is the case, we will explain our reasons why.

There is no charge for requests for copies, amendments or deletions of personal information. However, we reserve the right to charge where requests are unreasonably frequent or excessive.


a)  We will keep membership records for two years after the membership has expired, in order to administer our membership scheme.

b)  We will keep records of events and camps for 2 years, in order to facilitate any insurance claim resulting from the activity.

c)  We will keep Horse Welfare records indefinitely, in order to administer and manage on-going activities/work we are engaged in and to provide statistical data for analysing.

d)  We will keep complaints records indefinitely, in order to administer and manage on going complaints and, where appropriate, provide a baseline for tracking complaints against individuals for future reference to make informed decisions around accreditation/qualification/safeguarding/welfare issues, as is relevant.

e)  We will keep Safeguarding records indefinitely, in order to comply with legal obligations

f)  We will keep Safety/accident records indefinitely, in order to administer and manage the ongoing activities/work we are engaged in.


This Privacy Policy may change from time to time. Where practical we will provide you with an updated Privacy Policy from time to time. However, we also recommend that you please visit this webpage periodically to keep up-to-date with the changes in our Privacy Policy.


If you are not satisfied with our response to any query you raise with us, or you believe we are processing your personal data in a way which is inconsistent with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office whose helpline number is: 0303 123 1113.
