JULY 2022

1) The Club will be called Stratford upon Avon Riding Club (SUARC) and will be affiliated to British Riding Clubs.

2) The Club is an unincorporated club.

3) The aims and objectives are:

- To promote participation in horse riding as a sport and recreational activity in the local community.

- To provide opportunities for training and competing within the amateur sport of horse riding.

- To promote good fellowship amongst riders.

- To improve and maintain standards of riding and horsemanship.

- To support and co-operate with organisations that promote equestrianism in all forms.

- To concern itself with any matter that will benefit the horse and horse user in the local community.

- To provide suitable facilities to further the aims of the club.

4) Membership: open to anyone over the age of 18yrs interested in promoting, coaching, volunteering or participating in horse riding regardless of ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation or beliefs.

Members must have completed the application form and paid their subscription for the current period. Honorary membership may be granted by the committee in recognition of service to the club. Members may be classified as “non-riding” members.

Membership may be refused or removed if it is deemed their conduct or character are likely to bring the club, the sport or the BHS into disrepute. An appeal may be made to the committtee. Refusal of membership, on a non-descriminatory basis, is allowed due to lack of available facilities.

Members are subject to the constitution and code of practice of the club.

Subscriptions are due on day 1 of the financial year. Those members that have not paid their subscription by 3 months into the financial year should be reminded in writing and removed from the members list if no dues are received.

The level of annual subscription is set by the club committee.

5) The club is commited to ensuring equity and promoting equality; respecting the rights, dignity and worth of each person; ensuring their sport is carried out free of intimidation, harassment or abuse.

The club will deal with any incidence of discrimination seriously and apply club disciplinary procedures.

6) Committee: The affairs of the club shall be conducted by a committee consisting of a minimum of Chairperson, Treasurer and secretary plus 5 other committee members. Officers must be club members, are elected at AGM, serve for 3yrs, but are eligible for re-election. If a vacancy arises after an election, the committee may appoint a member to that post until the next AGM.

The committee is responsible for policies, codes of practice and rules that affect the organisation of the club. The committee may co-opt advisers when necessary.

The committee is responsible for disciplinary hearings and enacting outcomes of such hearings.

The committee meetings will be convened by the secretary no less than 6 times a year.

All members of the committee may vote. Chairman has casting vote in the case of a tied vote. A quorum of half the committee members is required for business decisions.

7) Finance: The club Treasurer is responsible for finances. The financial year runs from January 1st – Dec 31st each year. All club funds are banked in named club account. Audited accounts will be presented by treasurer at AGM. All cheques or financial transfers drawn against club funds will be signed for by 2 agreed officers of committee.

8) AGM: To be held annually .

- Approve minutes of last AGM

- Receive reports from Chair,

- Treasurer and other agreed officers

- Approve accounts

- Elect committee

- Agree membership fees

- Consider any proposed constitutional changes

- Deal with any club business

- Confirm insurance policies

Secretary should give at least 28days notice of AGM in writing to members. To include location, time and overview of business to be discussed.

Except in exceptional circumstances, 1/3 of committee should retire each year, but may be re-elected.

Constitutional changes shall be sent to the secretary at least 7 days prior to AGM to allow for circulation to members.

All members may vote at an AGM. Chair has casting vote.

An Extraordinary General meeting may be called at request of at least 10% of members in writing to secretary with 14 days notice, or an EGM may be called by a majority of committee members with 14 days notice. The secretary must inform members of details of EGM.

9) Constitution: May only be amended by a majority vote at AGM or EGM

10). Discipline:

- Respond swiftly and appropriately to any allegations of poor practice/abuse of young people or vulnerable adults in accordance with safeguarding policy.

- All complaints re members to be submitted in writing to secretary. Committee to meet within 21days of complaint being lodged and take appropriate action, if deemed necessary. Written response to complainant within 7 days of decision. There is right of appeal to committee and such appeals should be held within 30days of secretary receiving appeal.

11) Liabilities: As an affiliated Riding Club SUARC will hold Public and Employers liability policy via SEIB. To protect committtee members from personal financial liability, SUARC will also hold a Directors and Officers Liability policy, also via SEIB.

12) Dissolution: The club may only be dissolved by a majority vote of members at an AGM or EGM. All outstanding debts should be cleared from club funds; all items owned by the club should be sold and the final balance of club monies be equally divided between the charities: Riding for Disabled and Air Ambulance.

SUARC hereby adopts and accepts this constitution:
